Adult Ministry
Adult Ministry
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At Trace Creek, we are committed to providing support, encouragement, and opportunities to serve and grow for our adults. Whether it’s fellowships, Sunday school small groups, mission opportunities, or special projects, there is a place for everyone to become active in our ministry. For more information on adult ministry, contact the church office at 270-658-3304 or email
Annual activities
Adult Events

Sunday School
Our approach to Adult classes is to provide multiple choices to allow you to find your place to connect. Each teacher has unique abilities and have come from different life journeys. We encourage you to visit several classes before determining the group that fits you best. This is the place to find your small group and develop meaningful relationships with other members of our faith family. For more information, check out our Map and Ministry Guide.

Women’s Ministry
We value women and the many contributions they make to our ministry. Because we know that women are pulled in many directions with their life responsibilities, we think it is important to provide opportunities for refreshment in God’s word and fellowship with others. Some of our activities for women include our Winter Bible Study and other studies, movie nights, meal fellowships, bowling nights, our biannual Girls’ Night Out event, and our Ladies Evening of Thanksgiving, which is held each year in November.
For more information on the women’s ministry, contact Melanie Stinson at

Men’s Ministry
It is our mission to equip men on their journey of becoming more like Jesus and provide assistance for them as they lead their families to do the same. A few of our ministry opportunities for men include “Fire Team” discipleship groups, Bible studies, the biannual Wild Game Supper, security team, cooking teams, and construction projects.

Senior Adults Ministry
Many of our congregation have retired from years of working and now find they have time that needs to be filled. We celebrate these members by coordinating half-day and full-day activities each month throughout the year. Additionally, this group will take a multi-day trip during the Fall. If you are interested in learning more, contact Vickie Shelton at the church office.

Our Hearts In Mind ministry (HIM) is a unique and special group that spends time creating many works of art through sewing. As they work together to create many creative projects, they also spend much time sharing and growing friendships. Maybe this is a place you would like to serve. For more information, contact our church office today.
If you are interested in being part of the HIM ministry, contact Sharon Robertson at
Contact Info
Vicie Shelton | Ministry Assistant/Senior Adult Coordinator
Phone: 270-658-3304
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Whether you have a question, need prayer, or want to share your experience, don’t hesitate to reach out.